iron studios
Jp dennis nerdy 1/10 dlx Staty
Jp dennis nerdy 1/10 dlx Staty
På väg mot East Dock i Isla Nublar, kör en Jurassic Park Jeep Wrangler under en stark storm, kraschar den ökända datorprogrammeraren med en skylt som anger sin destination. När han går i en ny riktning, tappar han kontrollen över sitt fordon och myrar nära sitt mål. Med hjälp av bilens dragkabel för att släppa den, glider han i leran och tappar sina glasögon, och medan han binder upp kabeln i ett träd möter han en ung Dilophosaurus. När han försöker ta sig tillbaka till sitt fordon, ramlar han en gång till och inser då att djuret, även om det är litet, inte är så ofarligt som han trodde. En annan minnesvärd scen från Jurassic Park replikeras av Iron Studios på Dennis Nedry möter Dilophosaurus Deluxe-statyn, med den korrupta och hänsynslösa programmeraren Dennis Nedry fallen vänd mot Dilophosaurus, medan det lilla köttätande rovdjuret öppnar sina solfjäderformade membran på baksidan av sin huvudet för att spraya dess tjärgift, först träffar Nedrys skjorta.
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Heading for the East Dock in Isla Nublar, driving a Jurassic Park Jeep Wrangler under a strong storm, the infamous computer programmer crashes with a sign indicating his destination. Going in a new direction, he loses control of his vehicle and bogs down near his objective. Using the car’s tow cable to release it, he slips in the mud losing his glasses, and, while tying up the cable in a tree, he meets a young Dilophosaurus. Trying to get back to his vehicle, he falls once more and then realizes that the animal, although small, is not as harmless as he thought. Another memorable scene from Jurassic Park is replicated by Iron Studios on the Dennis Nedry meets the Dilophosaurus Deluxe statue, with the corrupt and reckless programmer Dennis Nedry fallen facing the Dilophosaurus, while the small carnivorous predator opens his fan-shaped membranes on the back of his head to spray its tar poison, first hitting Nedry’s shirt.
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Heading for the East Dock in Isla Nublar, driving a Jurassic Park Jeep Wrangler under a strong storm, the infamous computer programmer crashes with a sign indicating his destination. Going in a new direction, he loses control of his vehicle and bogs down near his objective. Using the car’s tow cable to release it, he slips in the mud losing his glasses, and, while tying up the cable in a tree, he meets a young Dilophosaurus. Trying to get back to his vehicle, he falls once more and then realizes that the animal, although small, is not as harmless as he thought. Another memorable scene from Jurassic Park is replicated by Iron Studios on the Dennis Nedry meets the Dilophosaurus Deluxe statue, with the corrupt and reckless programmer Dennis Nedry fallen facing the Dilophosaurus, while the small carnivorous predator opens his fan-shaped membranes on the back of his head to spray its tar poison, first hitting Nedry’s shirt.
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7 850 SEK
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