Spice and wolf holo scent of fruit st
Spice and wolf holo scent of fruit st
Från "Spice and Wolf", mästerverket lätta romanserier som nyligen firade 15-årsjubileum, kommer en figur i skala 1/7 av "Holo"! Hennes långa, linhåriga hår och karaktäristiska öron och svans har skulpterats noggrant som om hon fladdrade i vinden på en äng när Holo dansar på lätta fötter och njuter av fruktens söta doft. Se till att lägga till henne i din samling och njut av Spice and Wolfs värld i figurform!
Vi har massor av byggsatser, figurer och coola prylar. Kolla även in all vår merchandise
From "Spice and Wolf", the masterpiece light novel series that recently celebrated its 15th anniversary, comes a 1/7 scale figure of "Holo"! Her long, flaxen hair and characteristic ears and tail have been carefully sculpted as though fluttering in the wind of a meadow as Holo dances on light feet, delighting in the sweet fragrance of fruit. Be sure to add her to your collection and enjoy the world of Spice and Wolf in figure form!
Vi har massor av byggsatser, figurer och coola prylar. Kolla även in all vår merchandise
From "Spice and Wolf", the masterpiece light novel series that recently celebrated its 15th anniversary, comes a 1/7 scale figure of "Holo"! Her long, flaxen hair and characteristic ears and tail have been carefully sculpted as though fluttering in the wind of a meadow as Holo dances on light feet, delighting in the sweet fragrance of fruit. Be sure to add her to your collection and enjoy the world of Spice and Wolf in figure form!
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Frakt & Retur
Frakt & Retur
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1 års Garanti och öppet köp i 30 dagar.
Max fraktkostnad är 39kr.
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Ordinarie pris
3 016 SEK
Ordinarie pris
3 016 SEK