Jurassic Worlddomination blue + beta 1/10 dlx stat
Jurassic Worlddomination blue + beta 1/10 dlx stat
Den enda överlevande från hennes flock, honan Velociraptor med blågrå hud, märkt med en karakteristisk blå remsa som bestämde hennes namn, får nytt sällskap bredvid henne, hennes avkomma, en yngre och mindre version av sig själv. Upptäcker en ny värld och anpassar sig till en ny vild terräng med lägre temperaturer. Den lilla rovdjursbebisen tittar noga på sin mamma medan hon ryter över en piedestal av smuts och stammar täckta av snö. Med filmens logotyp på framsidan, skulpterad i en stenväggmålning som kretsar kring piedestalen, presenterar Iron Studios stolt ytterligare ett releasederivat från Jurassic World-trilogins efterlängtade klimax, med den lyxiga statyn av Blue and Beta, Velociraptorn som är mest älskad av fansen och hennes liten bebis.
Orginaltext från tillverkaren
The only survivor from her pack, the female Velociraptor with blue-gray skin, marked with a characteristic blue strip that determined her name, finds new company next to her, her offspring, a younger and smaller version of herself. Discovering a new world, and adapting to a new wild terrain with lower temperatures, the small baby predator watches her mother closely while she roars over a pedestal of dirt and trunks covered by snow. With the movie’s logo on the front, sculpted in a stone mural that circles the pedestal, Iron Studios proudly present another release derivative from the Jurassic World trilogy’s awaited climax, with the deluxe statue of Blue and Beta, the Velociraptor most beloved by fans and her small baby.
Orginaltext från tillverkaren
The only survivor from her pack, the female Velociraptor with blue-gray skin, marked with a characteristic blue strip that determined her name, finds new company next to her, her offspring, a younger and smaller version of herself. Discovering a new world, and adapting to a new wild terrain with lower temperatures, the small baby predator watches her mother closely while she roars over a pedestal of dirt and trunks covered by snow. With the movie’s logo on the front, sculpted in a stone mural that circles the pedestal, Iron Studios proudly present another release derivative from the Jurassic World trilogy’s awaited climax, with the deluxe statue of Blue and Beta, the Velociraptor most beloved by fans and her small baby.
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4 338 SEK
Ordinarie pris
4 338 SEK